Monday, December 14, 2009

Poorest Households Women Encounter Sex Earlier


The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) that is designed to provide statistically sound and internationally comparable data for monitoring the situation of women and children in The Gambia, in its key findings The Gambia 2005-2006 spelled out that women from the poorest households encounter sex earlier than those from the richest household indicating that Kauntaur, Central River Region North top the list.
According to the MICS the first sexual encounter of women sex is earlier among women in Kauntaur and later in Banjul.

The key findings survey stated that education appears to play a pivotal role in educating women about sex noting that “Education appears to delay women’s exposure to sex and women from the poorest households seen to encounter sex at an early age than those from the richest households.
The MICS pointed out that 4 percent of women aged 15-19 had sex before aged 15-24, while 51 percent admitted that they had sex with men ten or more years older than them in the (12)twelve months preceding the survey.
Condon use during sex with men other than husbands or live-in partners (non-marital, non-cohabiting) was assessed among women aged 15-24 testified that they had sex with such a partner in the previous year.
The MICS explained that about 16 percent of women aged 15-24 reported using a condom when they had sex with the high risk partner. Forty-four percent of women aged 15-24 with primary education said they used a condom during higher risk sex in the year before the MICS while 58 percent (aged 15-24) with secondary or more education acknowledged that they used a condom with such a partner.
Knowledge of HIV transmission and Condom use, virtually all women interview, 99 percent have said that they heard of HIV/AIDS.
However, only 65 percent of women know of having one faithful uninfected sex partner, 82 percent know of using a condom every time and 77 percent know of abstaining from sex as a way of preventing HIV transmission. While 97 percent of women know at least one way, a low proportion of women that 3 percent do not know any of the three ways.
According to the MICS the percentage of women who knew all three ways was higher in the poorest category than in the richest category. The percentage of women knowing all the three ways of preventing HIV/AIDS transmission was lowest in the Kanifing and Mansakonko with 53 percent, followed by Banjul 56 percent.

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