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A motivational speaker and a prolific author of inspirational books and articles, Momodou Sabally, in this article discussed “three points to success” drawing lessons from Jeremy Lin, a basketball player in New York, whose rise to stardom was preceded by being underestimated and overlooked, disregarded by coaches. However, Sabally said Lin’s success did not happen overnight, three key points contributed to his unimaginable, spectacular success.
Read on to find out and learn from this inspirational masterpiece!
Jeremy Lin’s Three Points to Success
By now you must have heard of the buzz around New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin and how he has ruled the NBA courts with mind-blowing performances during the past weeks. His name is viral online lending itself to mutations like Linspiration, Linergized etc. There is an online Jeremy Lin word Generator that works like this: Lin + Insanity= Lin-sanity. it was even reported in the Boston Globe that Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's has released a new flavour called "Taste the Lin-Sanity.” This is Linteresting and I am sure you are Lintrigued but what I want you to get from his story is Linspiration!
It all looks spectacular and the stuff of fairy tales. But like success everywhere, it did not happen overnight. In his New York Times article, Howard Beck summarized the keys to Lin’s success in three points: perseverance, hard work and self-belief.
Jeremy Lin’s rise to stardom was preceded by being “underestimated and overlooked, disregarded by college coaches, ignored in the N.B.A. draft” but Lin is not the one to give up in the face of adversity or temporary defeat. He maintained his self-confidence by taking his dismissals as opportunities to learn and adjust. And withperseverance, “he rose from weakest guy in his college team” to the greatest guard in his NBA team. Now what can you learn from this inspiring story? Join me to discuss Jeremy Lin’s three points to success:
Perseverance: In Lin’s story can be found the great lesson of PERSEVERANCE, a quality that everyone who enjoys enduring success must possess. It is the quintessential quality that powers the human machine. Perseverance “is to talent what steam is to the engine.” It is the one quality that Lin has in common with Michael Jordan and Dwayne Wade. And it is the same quality that you must nurture in whatever game you ply your trade be it in the office or as a salesman. Whatever your calling and whatever obstacles that may come your way, you CAN succeed if you persevere. Just surge ahead in search of your dreams, your goals; with perseverance victory will come your way one day.
Hard Work: Whatever your dream is, however noble your aspirations, the one sure thing that will bring you their realization is work. Jeremy Lin earned himself the reputation of a hard worker. He always went the extra mile trying to improve his game. He would come to the training ground hours before the official starting to improve his shots. And just like he was the first to be in the training gym, he was also the last to leave. A major oil company executive summed the key to his success in that field in one phrase:”clock in early and close late.” And here let me add that between the clocking in and the closing late make sure you keep working on your game. There is dignity and honour in work. You should be proud of engaging yourself in useful work. In addition to it bringing you close to your desired objectives, it has numerous benefits that come with it in terms of making a stronger and better person out of your physical mental and spiritual self. This, especially if you are engaged in the kind of work that you love, for this is the kind of work that when you are engaged in, you do not even notice the passing of time and it would be as enjoyable as a basketball game.
Self-belief: It was the great American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “The first secret of success is self-trust.” Observe those people who have made the grade and invariably you will see them exude self-confidence. It is your greatest reservoir of power; it surely proved to be an indispensable tool for Jeremy Lin. In spite of the setbacks and criticism he faced during the formative stages of his career he never lost his self-belief. He took the criticism directed at him as pointer on where to improve his game.
Yes, go ahead and keep your mind tightly closed against the negative influences of friends and acquaintances, have faith and be firm in pursuing your endeavours. Miami Heat coach Pat Riley says his late dad inspired him to “plant my feet, stand firm, and make a point about who I am.”
Self-confidence is a great secret of success, so make it a habit to deliberately infuse your mind with this great quality. It would also serve as a special guide and an unfailing aid to you, especially in times of difficulty in the daily vicissitudes of life. As Johan Wolfgang von Goethe said, “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
May you play your game of life with Linspiration!
By Momodou Sabally
Author: “The Way to Happiness”
Website: www.success.gm
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