Friday, December 16, 2011

Youth Statement At The intercessional

"Thank you Mr Co-Chair,
The Major Group for Children and Youth have identified the following goals and priorities for Rio+20: 

To effectively coordinate and ensure equal access to justice, member states should be mindful of the existing economic, human rights, and environmental agreements and apply an integrated and holistic approach to sustainable development. We call for sustainable development policies in the existing financial institutions. Enhanced political commitments must become visible in budgetary allocations for sustainable development. 

We urge Member States to address the impacts of armed conflict on communities, and water, energy and food crises that pose severe threats to children and youth. We call for the adoption of Sustainable Development Goals supplemented by a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production by 2015. 

The transition to the Green Economy will require an improved notion of wellbeing, measured with new indicators that go beyond GDP. The Green Economy must fully take into account the limits of our common planetary and social boundaries.

Youth unemployment must be reduced through the creation of green jobs and the stronger consideration of the impact of employment policy on youth. The Green economy should reduce child and youth poverty, promote gender equality, strengthen national healthcare systems with an emphasis on universal and comprehensive Health Care and reproductive health.
 Mechanisms such as a “Global Technology Sharing Facility” must be established to promote best practices. 
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT must balance participation of all stakeholders as well as their meaningful representation in decision making processes by reaffirming Principle 10. 

We propose the establishment of Ombudspersons for Future Generations on the national level and a UN High Commissioner for Future Generations at the global level. We call for the establishment of a Council on Sustainable Development as a subsidiary to the UN General Assembly and Stewardship for Global Commons for the transitional governance of the global commons. 

In addition, we believe that a World Environmental Court should be established. We propose an Intergovernmental Panel on Sustainable Development as an effective knowledge management mechanism. Last but not least we call for the upgrade of UNEP into the UN Environmental Organisation with status as a specialised agency. 

This is our vision, and this is the future that we are prepared to take ownership of." 
Thank you. 

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