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His Excellency Sheikh Prof. Alh. Dr. Yahya Jammeh Nasirul Deen Babili Mansa |
Excellency, Mr. Sam Kutesa, President of the 69th Session of the United Nations
General Assembly,
Mr. Ban
Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations,
Excellencies and Your Highnesses,
Heads of State and Governments,
Ladies and
Thanks be
to the Almighty Allah for giving me another opportunity to address this global
body at a time that human civilization is teetering on the brink of a major
catastrophe. But before going further let me convey our warm felicitations to
you Mr. President on your election to the Presidency of the 69th Session of the
United Nations Assembly. While wishing you success, I would like to assure you
of the support and cooperation of The Gambia during your tenure as President of
the Assembly. I would also like to commend your predecessor His Expediency Mr. John
William Ashe for his able stewardship as President of the General Assembly.
President, it is well known fact that injustice, iniquities, exclusion and
greed ail contribute to the creation of international tensions that could lead
to catastrophic consequences, conflicts, wars, death and destruction.
Today we
witness lamentable inertia on the part of the United Nations as powerful member
states take undue advantage over weaker members; as unjust economic and
financial sanctions are imposed on other member states; others bullied and
their natural resources looted; or wars waged against others simply in the name
of democracy and regime change (FAKE FREEDOMS). This is not the scenario that
those NOBLE and Distinguished Gentlemen; FOUNDERS, of the United Nations and
its charter envisaged. What these great founding fathers of the UN intended
over half a century ago was world body committed to promoting the principles
and ideals of peace and security; advancing the cause of justice and equality,
freedom for ail and respect for the sovereignty and the territorial integrity
of states rich or poor, black or white, big or small as well as respect for the
social, spiritual, religious and cultural values of ail peoples. Therefore, to
uphold the founding principles of the UN Charter, member states must avoid the
promotion of all forms of aggressions, confrontations and threatening tensions
by exercising maximum restraint in the pursuit of their individual or
collective national interests at the expense of others.
In fact the
pursuit of one’s interest at the expense of the legitimate interests and
security of others is criminal. Invariably, when major tensions erupt into conflicts or wars, the world
economy as a whole suffers with major disruptions or reversals in developing
countries. This had been evident in the wake of past regional or international
conflicts when oil prices for example surged with the developing countries
bearing the brunt of the debilitating consequences. In short, the UN must not
be seen as a prejudicial but rather an all embracing global body that stands
for the interests not only of the few and the powerful but for all its member
The Gambia
acknowledges with satisfaction Rio+20 outcome document ‘The future we want’ and
the resulting establishment of the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and associated consultative fora including the Africa
Regional consultations on the Sustainable Development Goals.While The Gambia appreciates the proposals of
the Open Working Group on the post 2015 development framework, it is hoped,
however that the goals and targets so far outlined will reflect an integrated
and transformative agenda which should ultimately build upon the gains made
from the implementation of the MDGs in order to fully address the many
difficult challenges we face today.
It is in
this connection that we welcome the choice of the theme for this session
namely, “Delivering on and implementing a Transformative Post-2015 Development
Agenda.” This theme is indeed pertinent and timely as it gives fresh impetus to
our ardent desire to identify a set of global priorities to steer the
international development agenda once the MDGs expire at the end of 2015. But
in launching this new initiative, for transformative change, we must not allow
novelty to mask any shortcomings of the MDGs experiment. There is need to take
stock of the MDGs achievements and failures and indeed renew support to those
developing countries, particularly the least developed, landlocked and island
developing countries that may still have difficulties in meeting their critical
MDG targets before the end of 2015.
At a time
when the world is facing multiple and complex challenges, there is need to pay
attention to the commanding role the UN should be playing in advancing
international peace and security, justice and the fundamental rights and freedoms
of ail peoples. The attainment of post 2015 sustainable development goals would
be elusive unless the United Nations begins to execute its core mandate in
earnest and exercise its commanding role in dealing with a host of local and
international crises that are disruptive to development. A few current issues
stand out, on which the UN is yet to be seen playing a leading role.
Ebola, a deadly hemorrhagic fever that has claimed more than 2000 lives in West
Africa, mostly in the severely affected countries of the Republics of Guinea,
Sierra Leone and Liberia. The World Health Organization has warned that if no
major efforts are made in the short run, more lives would be lost and the
economies of these countries would come under serious strain. Already, the
World Bank and the IMF have projected that due to disruptions in the labor
force and productive sectors of the economies of these countries, declines in
their respective economic growth could range from 1.5-3.5 percentage points if
current conditions remain unchecked.
For these
affected countries all development efforts are now on hold as they grapple with
this contagious and deadly disease. So
far, it is encouraging that the US Government has committed, rather belatedly,
some amount of funds and military assets to curb the spread of this disease.
This gesture is more than just humanitarian aid; it is also, as President Obama
said in the “national security interest” of the United States.This is true because in a globalized,
interconnected world infectious diseases can easily spread to any part of the
world. It is for this reason that the UN
should take the lead to mobilize international support to fight Ebola which is
an evident danger not only to West Africa but to the world at large.
On this
note we want to thank the Russian Federation for being one of the first major
powers to respond to this outbreak of deadly Ebola by providing
scientific or medical teams to some of these countries as soon as the outbreak
was announced.
Second; For
some time now the world has been witnessing the bloodiest and most heinous form
of terrorism unleashed by these satanic and sadistic human vermin disguised as
Islamic militants ostensibly in the name of Islamic purity, but In reality
these sons of Infamy and their shameless and deceitful claims of devotion to
the peaceful and noble religion of Islam are In fact an Insult to all true
Muslims. Before the emergence of the Mujahedeen in Iran and later in
Afghanistan in the 1980s, a movement subsequently associated to Islamic
terrorism by Western mainstream media in total disregard for its creation and
sponsorship by the western powers to fight proxy wars on their behalf, there
existed no Islamic terrorism.
Islam in
its entire history has never been associated with violence or terrorism as are
HARAM for a Muslim. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and the
activities of these anti-lslamic bands of dangerous criminals who spread
nothing but deep-seated hatred for human life and whose sole intention is to
desecrate and defame Islam.
Consequently, these treacherous elements cannot be
associated to Islam, as our Islamic religion is pure and unique and cannot
therefore be classified into any varying degrees like moderate, democratic,
extreme or violent etc. Simply put, Islam is a pure religion that encourages
the best of human behavior and inter-personal relationship amongst other
virtues, as prescribed by ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR. In other words, the adherents of this lunatic
fringe of bandits and gangsters like Boko Haram, Isis, and Al Qaeda etc. are
dangerous criminals and enemies of human civilization and development; and
should therefore be wiped out from the face of the earth.
Third, the
situation in the Middle East remains highly volatile, and the UN has been
watching the cycle of violence in the region rather helplessly. In the most
recent conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis, about more than 2000
people from Gaza, mostly women and children died at the hands of Israeli and
about 70 Israelis ail of them soldiers except for 3 children lost their lives.
Despite repeated calls for restraint by the international community, the
continuing expansion of israeii settiements on Palestinian land undermines any
prospects for a two-state solution. The US government has been paying very
strategic and useful mediating role in the past, but the UN must take up its
commanding role in seeking a peaceful settlement that is just and durable and
acceptable to the members of the United Nations.
Fourth, as
part of its core mandate in promoting global peace and security and greater
understanding among peoples of different backgrounds and cultures, the UN must
do more to advocate a culture of peace, tolerance and understanding not only
among the world’s great religions but also among member states themselves. This
is important as we continue to witness growing propagation of disinformation
and misrepresentation especiaiiy by the western media about Islam in general
and the application of the Sharia Law particularly in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Island, and Sharia is the legal
system in Island, and it is the only divine Constitution of not only the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but all Islamic States.
the incessant criticisms and misrepresentations about the application of Sharia
Law in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else is disrespectful and therefore abhorrent,
it is an insult to all true Muslims to describe Sharia Law as Barbaric. As a
matter of fact the most Barbaric laws are those that are not based on any
divine teachings. Sharia is the legal system that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH has
prescribed for all Muslims.
President, in the same vein, the UN General Assembly should be commended for
the passage two years ago, of the World interfaith Harmony Week urging member
states to designate the first week of February each year as the interfaith Week
when the messages of goodwill and tolerance are spread through mosques,
churches and other places of worship.
While this
was a good beginning for promoting peace and harmony among religions and
peoples of different belief systems, the UN must do more to match the
continuing attacks on Islam in particular by people who do not even believe in
the existence of a supreme creator CALLED ALLAH. These infidels have no moral
high ground to describe any religion worthy of high praise more so one that is
as authentic, pure and noble as Islam.
Finally the
United Nations must play its central role in addressing the injustices
associated with the unilateral or bilateral application of economic and
financial sanctions by one member state against another as a coercive tool of
foreign policy, because it contravenes the fundamental principles of
international law, international humanitarian law and the principles and norms
governing peaceful coexistence among sovereign states. In this regard The
Gambia calls on the United States government to unconditionally end the long
standing US embargo on Cuba that has brought about untold hardship on the Cuban
Is it not
ironic that the same power talking today about respecting Ukrainian Sovereignty
and freedom to choose their own way of life is the same power that has
maintained unjustifiable collective punishment (embargo) on the Cuban people
for almost five decades thereby devastating their economy because like the
Ukrainians today the Cubans decades ago opted for a system of governance of
their choice.
change and development are inextricably linked. The impact of climate change is
felt in all countries, particularly developing countries as it undermines their
ability to achieve sustainable development. While Africa is not responsible for
the pollution and the factors causing climate change, it stands to suffer the
most. With 96% of Africa’s agriculture being dependent on rainfall and 50% of
fisheries related jobs estimated to be lost by 2050,
climate change poses dire
consequences to livelihoods in Africa.
The Gambia
firmly believes that mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, calls
for a timely and decisive global response. It is a challenge that should unite
us not divides us. In this regard the Gambia joins other countries affected by
climate change and like-minded groups in urging developed countries that are
parties to the United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change (UNFCC)
to fully implement their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
President, in 1974 this Assembly adopted the Declaration for the Establishment
of the New International Economic Order (NIÑO), which was designed to address
some legitimate concerns of developing countries such as improving their terms
of trade and other issues relating to the promotion of a more equitable
international economic system. Many of the political economic and social issues
that inspired the NIÑO still remain unanswered, four decades after that
historic declaration. As the post 2015 agenda attracts our attention today, we
must not relegate those old concerns of developing countries to the dustbin of
history; in a nutshell their old concerns as well as their new aspirations must
no longer be relegated. To that end, the foundation of any transformative
agenda should logically begin with genuine reform of the institutions of global
governance, particularly the United Nations System.
Given the
current membership of the United Nations Security Council, the reform of this
important organ of the world body is long overdue. We African Leaders have for
a long time been calling attention to restoring the effectiveness and
legitimacy of the UN by allocating two Permanent Seats with full veto power as
well as two non-permanent seats on the Security Council to reflect current
geopolitical realities.If the demands
for the reform of the Security Council in the interest of equity and justice
cannot be accommodated then concrete action must be taken for the General
Assembly to assume all the powers of the Security Council and its
responsibilities including the power to impose sanctions.
Under this
arrangement, all decisions of the UNGA would have been voted and endorsed by
the majority of its members thus ensuring a more democratic and transparent
global body called the UN.
On a final
note, I want to call the attention of the UNGA and the UN Security Council to
the very frequent and mysterious sinking, capsizing etc. of boats carrying
mostly Black African migrants looking for greener pastures in the West only to
end up in body bags on European shores. Strangely enough, those countries that
pretend to love Africans so much that they are always preaching to African
leaders Good Governance, the rule of law and respect for human life and rights
have been apparently quiet about the very dangerous, racist and inhuman
behavior of deliberately causing boats carrying Black Africans to sink only to
select a few lucky ones to be rescued and sent to concentration camps, called
Asylum Seekers Camps. These camps are as bad as Nazi Concentration Camps and
nobody, country or Human Rights Institutions has ever raised the alarm to this
GENOCIDE in the 21st century.
President, if earlier Africans that received the European Explorers before
colonialism treated them the same way, Africa would not have been colonized for
400 years. The European Explorers were nothing short of people seeking greener
pastures for their fellow Europeans, as Europe then had turned into brown
pastures. After 400 years of colonial looting and misrule Africa is reduced
from green to brown pasture due to over grazing. Now African Explorers are not
only unwelcome but are greeted with instant death. The UN must conduct a full
and impartial investigation into this man-made sinking, capsizing of these
boats carrying young Africans to Europe, if these boats are able to cross the
Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea only to sink on European coasts, we
must find out what deadly mysterious force exists on the European Mediterranean
Coasts that causes Boats carrying young Africans to disintegrate and sink upon
greed and hate can only breed hatred violence and disastrous confrontation
between races. We African Leaders would stand up together, I hope, to protect
these young Africans from mass murder on European Coasts. I hereby call on the
UN to commission such an investigation as a matter or priority and urgency in
order to avert a major racial confrontation. Out of hundreds of European
explorers to the Gambia in those days, only one died on the River Gambia over a
span of four hundred years.
Today, over
a five year period more than 500 young Gambians have died on European Coasts. Enough
is enough and the UN must intervene and intervene quickly or else we will all
live to regret our failure to take appropriate action at the right time.
realities have changed. Let the west accept these realities and together with
us endeavour to change along with these realities as we move together towards
the brighter and peaceful future we want. So-called military super powers
should know that humanity would be returned to pre-Stone Age if they are
reckless enough to unleash World War III.
You cannot have your cake and eat it how you
please and at the same time dictate to others how, when and where they should
eat their cake. In the 21st century humanity needs only super powers of peace
and development and not Medieval Europe-type of war mongers.
Why can’t
we accept the diversity of the human race and its attendant diversity in
culture, religion and way of life as? Each diverse groups deems fit?
I thank you
for your attention.
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