Sunday, September 29, 2019

GLEN Awards GYIN Gambia Executive Director Certificate of ‘Excellence’

Mamadou Edrisa Njie, Executive Director, GYIN Gambia
The Global Education Network of Young Europeans (GLEN) representatives to the Gambia have awarded a Certificate of ‘Excellence’ to the Executive Director of the Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN) Gambia Chapter, Mamadou Edrisa Njie for being the most outstanding, supportive, caring, inspiring and warn-hearted leader of the world.

The honoring of the prestigious award to the GYIN Gambia Boss came after GLEN annually assigns its students to GYIN Gambia as Interns for three months from 1st July to 31st October, 2019.

As this year’s internship period is reaching its tail-end, the three interns by the name Beata Rajeckaite, Deborah Rammrath and Rebeka Anna Szel in consultation with GLEN international awarded this Certificate of ‘Excellence’ in honor of his work in promoting global growth.